El collar Deluxe Indian Glass ha sido creado para estilizar la figura. Está formado por lineas de cuentas. Deluxe Indian Glass contiene bolitas de Cristal Indio, cobre y cuentas de fibra natural. Queremos que lo que te vista sea este exclusivo collar, no la ropa que lleves. Nosotros recomendamos llevarlo con prendas de color liso. Tiene dos cierres para poder regular la medida del collar. El largo total de la pieza es de 49 cm.
The Deluxe Indian Glass necklace has been created to stylize the figure. It is made up of lines of accounts. Deluxe Indian Glass contains Indian Crystal beads, copper and natural fiber beads. We want what you wear this exclusive necklace, not the clothes you wear. We recommend wearing it with plain colored garments. It has two closures to regulate the size of the necklace. The total length of the piece is 49 cm.